How HSB became agile in 100 days

Last year, HSB decided it was time to ramp up the development of digital solutions and implement an Agile way of working. Watch videos from our Meetup and Agila Sverige to learn more about how they transformed in just 100 days!

Transitioning to an Agile way of working doesn’t have to take a long time, not even for an organization with a hundred years of history. In 1923, architect Sven Wallander founded HSB as a grassroots movement against housing shortages.

This member-owned player has been at the forefront of many things that we now take for granted when it comes to housing. They have been innovators with features like garbage chutes, functional kitchen interiors, and numerous standardizations that have provided access to housing standards previously only available to a few. Today, over a million people live in HSB apartments.

Last year, HSB decided it was time to accelerate the development of digital solutions and implement an agile way of working. In October 2022, they turned to We Are Movement, and together with the HSB Business Support Management, we have been working on transforming the construction of digital services.

“HSB is fundamentally built on strong compassion,” says Magnus Westberg, Agile Coach at We Are Movement. “The idea is that if we work together with respect for each other, both the work environment and the quality of what we do will be better than if a few people believe they know how everything should be. That’s why HSB has been able to embrace the fundamentals of agile working faster than others.”

Earlier this at Agila Sverige, it was especially exciting that Lisa Wikström, Product Manager at HSB Business Support, and Magnus Westerberg, Agile Coach and Senior Advisor at We Are Movement, had the opportunity to share how HSB became agile in a hundred days.

In September Lisa and Magnus came to our meetup in Stockholm to sit down with Fredrik Viljesjö and have a more in-depth conversation about their journey. Watch videos from both occasions here.


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