The We Are Movement Flow Game

The We Are Movement Flow Game is now available

The We Are Movement Flow Game is now available in v1.0!

This is an interactive simulation in the form of a board game that you download, print, and play together. You will play a full PI for a multi-team ART (Agile Release Train) called “Geekbooks.” The game is played in two rounds, one without WIP limits and one showing the effect on throughput when limiting the amount of ongoing work.

Carl Starendal & Johanna Ekeberg from We Are Movement have built this flow game with some help from the Movement Community to provide feedback and design assistance. And you can now fill in the form below to get a download link in your email to download the files, print the game, and play with your ART!

This game is an early release (v1.0), so expect this version to be simple, rough, and a bit buggy .. but still useful 🙂 We will continuously update the game based on your feedback and want to engage with you moving forward. if you are interested in helping out.

Fill in the form to receive an email link to the game so you can download, print and play it:



Mar 04

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March 6 17:00 - 19:30
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