Project Description
The Leadership Model 2.0
You will read the book “The Leadership Model 2.0” along with Carl Starendal and the other attendees over a span of 10 weeks. Throughout this period, you’ll explore the research-based Leadership model and understand how it supports and enhances the leadership of teams, teams of teams, and entire organizations.
Every other week, you will join Carl and the group for a 90-minute online session. During these sessions, we will delve into the chapters you have read, discuss the content, and reflect on the material presented in the book.
This book circle is held in Swedish.
- The book circle is held online in Swedish with 6–12 participants.
- It consists of 5 sessions, every other week via video conference in the Discord application, from 14:00–15:30 Swedish time.
- Each session includes a lecture part from Carl, related to the content, followed by an open discussion with questions from the participants and a review of what we are reading for the next meeting, as well as the reflection task for the coming week, which is done offline at one’s own pace.
- During and after the book circle, you have access to a common group chat in the Discord application, where we share additional articles, ideas, and reflections from the material, and where you can also reach the other participants and Carl Starendal during and after the book circle if you have questions or want to discuss something.
- You need to order the book yourself, which costs 400 SEK online so that you have time to read the first part before the first meeting. You will receive instructions on how to do this when you sign up.
- Executive Leaders and managers
- Line Managers
- Group and Team managers
- Business Owners
- RTEs and Solution Train Engineers (STEs)
- Program and project managers
- Scrum Masters
- Agile coaches
- SAFe Program Consultants (SPCs)
- Session 1: Introduction to Leadership & The Leadership Model (20 pages to read)
- Session 2: Behaviour – Leaders and surrounding social & cultural context (40 pages to read)
- Session 3: Leadership styles and combination of Leadership behavior (30 pages to read)
- Session 4: Indirect leadership and Development of leaders (20 pages to read)
- Session 5: Workshop – what does this mean for me?

The Leadership Model is a description of the models and theories behind the popular leadership tools, models and trainings from the Swedish defence University. It is a great book to use to discuss and learn about leadership from a research-based, empirical and principled stance.
“The central hypothesis of the Leadership Model is that leadership is shaped through an interplay between the characteristics of the leader and the external social and cultural context. The Model consists of three main components: leader characteristics, contextual characteristics and leadership styles. The complex interplay between these components is described in detail and illustrated using a large number of examples. The Model also serves as the basis for three of the most widespread leadership programs in Sweden based on academic research: Developmental Leadership (UL), Understanding Group and Leader (UGL) and Indirect Leadership (IL).”
The Leadership model also forms the theoretical basis for the very popular research-based leadership course Developmental Leadership (UL) that we are offering.
Read more about The Leadership Model here:
- Book: The Leadership Model (English)
- Bok: Ledarskapsmodellen 2.0 (Svenska)
- Podcast: Chefens Nya Kläder – Ledarskapsmodellen & Utvecklande Ledarskap (Swedish)
- About the research and researchers (English)
- Intervjuv med Professor Gerry Larsson (Swedish)
- Podcast: Leadership Behaviors with Carl Starendal (English)
- Ledarskapsmodellen hos försvarshögskolan (Swedish)
- Video: How to take a Transformational Leadership approach as a Release Train Engineer (RTE) (English)
- Podcast: The Impact of Leadership Behaviors (English)
- Video: The RTE Kata – taking a transformational leadership approach to serving the ART (English)
- Course: Developmental Leadership (UL) (English)
High quality facilitation delivered by Carl Starendal
Five online sessions, 90 minutes each
Prepared slides and workshop material
Certificate of participation
Added topics and discussions connecting The Leadership Model and Agile
Enter your details here below, and we’ll contact you to work out the details for how to run this book circle as an internal session/series in your organisation