Video: The RTE Kata – taking a transformational leadership approach to serving the ART
Video presentation “The RTE Kata – taking a transformational leadership approach to serving the ART” from an online RTE Circle with Carl Starendal
When you’re leading it simply means that you are intent on what you send towards others. You have a behavior. You want to motivate and challenge people. But if the other person doesn’t perceive that, that is the truth of what the leadership actually implies. But what are the good behaviors then? What creates an effect? What is strong? What makes a difference?
In this video Carl Starendal, SAFe Fellow with We Are Movement and Transformational leadership trainer explains how transformational leadership helps to understand what type of leadership you are exposing people to and understand their experience on things.
Upcoming Events & Courses with Carl Starendal
SAFe 6.0 Release Train Engineer in Stockholm
March 18 - March 21
Developmental Leadership (UL) – In Swedish
April 8 - April 10
Implementing SAFe 6.0 in Stockholm
May 12 - May 16
Developmental Leadership (UL) – In English
June 10 - June 12