Value Stream Identification, lessons from the wild
Carl Starendals presentation from a meetup in Gothenburg about value stream identification and lessons from doing it in the field
System teams – why, who and how?
The Scaled Agile framework suggests that each agile release train has its own system team. Usually there is some confusion around the benefit of making such investment in resources and also how to capitalize on it. Here are a few pointers to why, who and how in regards to system teams.
How to release five games in four days
Peter Horvath has been doing Game Jam’s for several years at several companies. The largest one involved about 200 people in five different countries. This is story were he managed to take the concept to an entirely new level. Here is his experience on how they released five games in four days.
Where there is a will there is an Agile way
Our expert Scrum trainer Peter Horvath has been helping teams working Agile for many years. Here he shares a story from gaming company that trapped in silos and needed the power of Scrum to unleash the potential in the organisation.
Så kunde vi räddat Skolplattformen med Agilt arbete och DevOps
Skolplattformen i Stockholm har fått mycket kritik från elever, föräldrar och lärare men även från kommunens revisorer. Fredrik Viljesjö från We Are Movement pratar här om hur man skulle kunna gjort istället med hjälp av de insikter vi har från Agilt arbete med DevOps.
Ett samtal om det Agila Manifestet med Emanuel Tunbjer och Peter Antman
Peter Antman och Emanuel Tunbjer från We Are Movement träffades en kväll i februari för ett samtal om det Agila Manifestet som fyller 20 i år. I det här inspelade webbinariet pratar de både om personliga reflektioner, hur deras resa i det Agila ekosystemet i Sverige har varit i både små team och stora organisationer, vad som varit bäst och värst, och vad de ser komma som nästa uppgift att ta sig an ur ett Agilt och hållbart perspektiv.
DevOps and Architecture News in SAFe 5.1 with Marc Rix and Fredrik Viljesjö
SAFe Fellow Marc Rix came back to We Are Movement to talk about what’s new in SAFe 5.1 when it comes to DevOps and Architecture. Together with We Are Movements Partner and DevOps expert Fredrik Viljesjö we will learned about the latest changes and why they came about.
Kickstart your new Agile team
Recently formed teams with new Product Owners and Scrum Masters, and want to help them excel in collaboration and value delivery?
The RTE role – past, present and future
In this video SAFe Fellow Carl Starendal steps through where the role of the Release Train Engineer came from, how the RTE role was (is) shaped by the current SAFe RTE training and his observation for where the RTE role is heading in the future from both a skill and organizational perspective.