It’s All Product Development – How you build your team, pipeline and factory matters
Presentation about building cars with a Software Mentality at a meetup in Oslo (Swedish)
How Kubernetes enables the platform team topology
Presentations with examples for how to create a platform team around Kubernetes as a Service.
Agile at Scale in the Swedish Government
Case-studies from the Swedish Tax and Pension Agencies as well as a panel debate with We Are Movement founder Carl Starendal.
Intentional Product Development using OKRs
Lerna how to use OKRs to steer product development (in Swedish).
Value Stream Identification for Large Cyber-Physical Solutions
Learn about applying Value Stream Identification to Large Cyber-Physical Solutions
Develop better products with storyboarding
The customer experience has become a key differentiator for all digital products, but at the same time UX and design are often bottlenecks in product development. Learn how to use storyboarding to increase cross-team interaction and CX development velocity!
Architecting a positive flow of change
Build the right things and build it smart – easy to say harder to follow, especially in the raplex world we are all acting in (both rapid and complex).
Online courses and events 2022
See our online courses and events during 2022 here
One company, two different worlds
Why are some projects a burning disaster that destroys motivation and ends up creating a poor product? While other projects are fun, motivating and ends up having happy customers? This is what we will be exploring in this video from the 2021 We Are Conference with Peter Horwath.